1.) The time that I fell off of the treadmill and tried to
crawl back up the treadmill to turn it off before I let myself fall off instead. (See my October blog
post “The Tale of the Treadmill” for the full story.)
2.) The time that I went snow tubing, landed on my face, got
a concussion and missed 3 weeks of marathon training.
3.) The time that I entered an open cross country race in
college and came in last place by 2 minutes.
4.) The time that I ran screaming through the hills of my
neighborhood because I thought that two wiener dogs were chasing me and they
were really in a yard with an electric fence. (See my January blog post “Who
Let the Dogs Out” for the full story.)
5.) The time that I ran the Bridge Run half marathon for the
first time in Vibram Five Fingers and sprained my ankle at mile 10 and finished
the race anyways. (I will never go back to Vibram’s after an excellent year of
running in Mizuno’s!)
6.) The time that I ran in the middle of the street during
rush hour traffic because two dogs knocked down their fence and chased me
across the street. (I avoided getting hit by a car, but I now cross the street
whenever I have to run by this house.)
7.) The time in college that Katelyn and I thought that it
would be fun to run from campus to the Pittsford end of the canal to the
Fairport end of the canal and back to campus on an extremely hot and sunny day.
(We did not end up running the entire time, but it took us 3 hours to
accomplish this and we came back looking like lobsters.)
8.) The time that Sandy and I went trail running, followed
by some hiking where I tripped up a hill and cut my knee open.
9.) The time that I tripped over a pop can during a run and
twisted my ankle.
10.) The time that Sandy and I were passed by an elderly gentleman
who just breezed by us at the finish line of the Santa Run. (There is a picture
of this online and he looks like he’s making very little effort, while we look
quite the opposite!)
I will recap week 28 now that you've had a good laugh about my running stories. Week 28 of training was pretty great because it was my
second week of tapering. I am now beginning to understand why tapering is so
important to running a marathon. My legs and body are beginning to feel
well-rested between runs and I haven’t been very sore. The decreased mileage
has definitely helped my body and my runs have felt much better this week. I
was able to stick to my training plan this week and did not have to skip or
shorten any runs. I always feel guilty when I skip out on my training so I am
glad that I had a pretty good week. I have been changing up my routes in my
neighborhood for my short runs and the change of scenery definitely made a
difference too.
I have a 5 mile loop by my apartment that I usually run, but
on Tuesday I decided to change it up for my run. I went out in a different direction
and I was still a mile away by the time that I got to mile 5. Since I was only
on schedule for 5 miles, I decided to walk the last mile back to my apartment.
I was amazed at how much easier it was to walk back up the hill to my apartment
after spending a few extra minutes walking.
On Wednesday, I had the best run that I have had in weeks. I
was on schedule for 8 miles and tried to get out before the rain began. I was
only 1 mile into my run before it started raining and it was pouring rain for
most of my run. I actually felt really good for the entire run and I was maintaining a
very comfortable pace. I changed up my route again so I found myself 1 mile
away from home when I was supposed to be done. Since it was still pouring rain,
I decided to run the extra mile home. Within 1 minute of completing my 9 mile
run, the rain stopped and then the sun came out pretty soon after that. However, I
will take a run in the rain over a run in the heat any day.
I ran 4 miles on Thursday and tried a new workout for this
run. I tried Hal Higdon’s 3/1 workout where you run ¾ of the run at an easy or
comfortable pace and the last ¼ of the run fast or at race pace. I ran the
first 3 miles between 9:30 min/mi and 10:00 min/mi, which is a pretty comfortable
pace for me. I ran the last mile at a 7:30 min/mi pace and hauled it back home.
It was a great workout and a nice alternative to a tempo run. I have not really
focused on any speed work during training, but I thought that a change in my
workout would be nice on an easy day. I definitely want to try different
running workouts once the marathon is over and I cut back on my mileage for the
I woke up early this morning to run since I learned my
lesson about starting a long run too late in the day during that terrible 22 mile long run.
However, Mother Nature had other plans for me. I do not mind running in the
rain, but it was pouring rain for a good part of the morning and the weather report
said scattered thunderstorms. I spent the morning and the early part of the
afternoon debating whether I would go out when the weather cleared up or wait
until the morning. I ended up going out to run around 3:30 and I was extremely
happy that it was still overcast. It was cloudy until the last few miles, but
it was not too hot for most of my run. I ran at a slower pace today since I am
trying to get my body ready to run the marathon at a slower pace than my half marathon
I had a pretty good run today, but my body is extremely
happy that there will be no more double digit runs until race day. My long runs
are usually not too difficult for me. The hour or two after each long run is usually
the tougher part, but a shower, food, water and the couch usually take care of
that. I do not foresee having any problems next week because my long run is
only 8 miles next week. I cannot believe that there are only 2 weeks left until
the big race. I am a total mix of emotions still about this race, but I feel
pretty good after this past week of training. I am happy that the mileage is
going to be pretty low and I think that this will really help me get ready for the
big race. Here’s a quick glance at this past week before I head into the final
Week 28
5/7/13 – 5 miles in 47:18 (9:27 min/mi pace)
5/8/13 – 9 miles in 1:29:50 (9:58 min/mi pace)
5/9/13 – 4 miles in 38:05 (9:30 min/mi pace)
5/11/13 – 12 miles in 2:08:21 (10:41 min/mi pace)
5/7/13 – 5 miles in 47:18 (9:27 min/mi pace)
5/8/13 – 9 miles in 1:29:50 (9:58 min/mi pace)
5/9/13 – 4 miles in 38:05 (9:30 min/mi pace)
5/11/13 – 12 miles in 2:08:21 (10:41 min/mi pace)
501.1 miles complete in 80:59:51 and only 15 days until
conquering 26.2 miles!
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